How to: do no harm
Residência do Centro Canadense de Arquitetura
How to: do no harm é curado por Lev Bratishenko (Centro Canadense de Arquitetura), e Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (professora assistente no Instituto Federal de Tecnologia de Zurique)
Durante esta resid6encia online e presencial, entrevistas, debates, diários ficcionais e discussões públicas foram conduzidas porLev Bratishenko e Charlotte Malterre-Barthes com a participação de Amélie de Bonnières, Sophie Weston Chien, Marianna Janowicz, Swati Janu, Mariana Meneguetti, Bailey Morgan Brown Mitchell, Loránd Mittay and Samarth Vachhrajani de forma a levantar, expor e encontrar saídas para a controversa e antagônica prática da arquitetura em relação a "causar danos". Neste processo, How to do: no harm teve a generosa participação de alguns entrevistados inspiradores: Elizabeth Timme & Chazandra Kern (Office of: office), Astrid Smitham & Nicholas Lobo-Brennan (Apparata), Guujaaw, Cristina Gamboa (Lacol), Menna Agha, Sename Koffi Agbodjinou, Andrew Daley (Architecture Workers United & The Machinists Union), Jess Myers (RISD), Kaya Lazarini e Giovana Martino (Usina CTAH) and Andreas Malm, contribuindo na construção de uma série de diários conflituosos que expõe o posicionamento ético de arquitetos e arquitetas em uma prática cheia de crises.
How to: do no harm
Canadian Centre for Architecture's residency
How to: do no harm is curated by Lev Bratishenko, CCA Curator, Public, and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Assistant Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL.
During this online and presencial residency, interviews, debates, fictional diaries and public discussions were conducted by Lev Bratishenko and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes with the participation of Amélie de Bonnières, Sophie Weston Chien, Marianna Janowicz, Swati Janu, Mariana Meneguetti, Bailey Morgan Brown Mitchell, Loránd Mittay and Samarth Vachhrajani in order to raise, expose and find ways out of the controversial and antagonistic practice of architecture concerning "harm". During this process How to: do no harm had the generous participation of some inspiring interviewees: Elizabeth Timme & Chazandra Kern (Office of: office), Astrid Smitham & Nicholas Lobo-Brennan (Apparata), Guujaaw, Cristina Gamboa (Lacol), Menna Agha, Sename Koffi Agbodjinou, Andrew Daley (Architecture Workers United & The Machinists Union), Jess Myers (RISD), Kaya Lazarini and Giovana Martino (Usina CTAH), Andreas Malm, helping us build a series of conflicted diaries that expose the ethics of the architect in a practice full of crises.
Conflicted Diaries were originally published here
"This will only hurt a little.
It is not easy to accept that one’s profession causes harm. We like to think of ourselves as good people—and most of us are. But we live in systems that we did not choose, feel unable to change, or may not even perceive. When we harm other living things, or the world sustaining our bodies, cultures, or even ourselves as architects, it is most often because it seems we do not have any choice.
Following a possible career path of an architect is one way to explore this world of hurt. This journey starts with the initial shocks of encountering architectural culture, and moves into the grind of first jobs, and then the search for other ways of being an architect—reclaiming agency and being able to choose what kinds of harm you will do. In mid- and late-career positions, for those people whose determination, creativity, or privilege allows them to remain in practice, comes greater power and both new opportunities to create alternative practices, as well as new temptations of complacency and rewards for complicity.
Whatever choices we make, we will do some harm. At every turn there are possibilities to choose to do less and to accept the responsibility to repair the harm that we do. It is never too late, or too early.
We hope you will recognize yourself somewhere in these entries."
Residência do Centro Canadense de Arquitetura
How to: do no harm é curado por Lev Bratishenko (Centro Canadense de Arquitetura), e Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (professora assistente no Instituto Federal de Tecnologia de Zurique)
Durante esta resid6encia online e presencial, entrevistas, debates, diários ficcionais e discussões públicas foram conduzidas porLev Bratishenko e Charlotte Malterre-Barthes com a participação de Amélie de Bonnières, Sophie Weston Chien, Marianna Janowicz, Swati Janu, Mariana Meneguetti, Bailey Morgan Brown Mitchell, Loránd Mittay and Samarth Vachhrajani de forma a levantar, expor e encontrar saídas para a controversa e antagônica prática da arquitetura em relação a "causar danos". Neste processo, How to do: no harm teve a generosa participação de alguns entrevistados inspiradores: Elizabeth Timme & Chazandra Kern (Office of: office), Astrid Smitham & Nicholas Lobo-Brennan (Apparata), Guujaaw, Cristina Gamboa (Lacol), Menna Agha, Sename Koffi Agbodjinou, Andrew Daley (Architecture Workers United & The Machinists Union), Jess Myers (RISD), Kaya Lazarini e Giovana Martino (Usina CTAH) and Andreas Malm, contribuindo na construção de uma série de diários conflituosos que expõe o posicionamento ético de arquitetos e arquitetas em uma prática cheia de crises.
How to: do no harm
Canadian Centre for Architecture's residency
How to: do no harm is curated by Lev Bratishenko, CCA Curator, Public, and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Assistant Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL.
During this online and presencial residency, interviews, debates, fictional diaries and public discussions were conducted by Lev Bratishenko and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes with the participation of Amélie de Bonnières, Sophie Weston Chien, Marianna Janowicz, Swati Janu, Mariana Meneguetti, Bailey Morgan Brown Mitchell, Loránd Mittay and Samarth Vachhrajani in order to raise, expose and find ways out of the controversial and antagonistic practice of architecture concerning "harm". During this process How to: do no harm had the generous participation of some inspiring interviewees: Elizabeth Timme & Chazandra Kern (Office of: office), Astrid Smitham & Nicholas Lobo-Brennan (Apparata), Guujaaw, Cristina Gamboa (Lacol), Menna Agha, Sename Koffi Agbodjinou, Andrew Daley (Architecture Workers United & The Machinists Union), Jess Myers (RISD), Kaya Lazarini and Giovana Martino (Usina CTAH), Andreas Malm, helping us build a series of conflicted diaries that expose the ethics of the architect in a practice full of crises.
Conflicted Diaries were originally published here
"This will only hurt a little.
It is not easy to accept that one’s profession causes harm. We like to think of ourselves as good people—and most of us are. But we live in systems that we did not choose, feel unable to change, or may not even perceive. When we harm other living things, or the world sustaining our bodies, cultures, or even ourselves as architects, it is most often because it seems we do not have any choice.
Following a possible career path of an architect is one way to explore this world of hurt. This journey starts with the initial shocks of encountering architectural culture, and moves into the grind of first jobs, and then the search for other ways of being an architect—reclaiming agency and being able to choose what kinds of harm you will do. In mid- and late-career positions, for those people whose determination, creativity, or privilege allows them to remain in practice, comes greater power and both new opportunities to create alternative practices, as well as new temptations of complacency and rewards for complicity.
Whatever choices we make, we will do some harm. At every turn there are possibilities to choose to do less and to accept the responsibility to repair the harm that we do. It is never too late, or too early.
We hope you will recognize yourself somewhere in these entries."