Entrevista com Sérgio Ferro
Revista The Architectural Review, Edição "Trabalho"
Fevereiro, 2023
A edição da revista inglesa The Architectural Review de Fevereiro de 2023 traz o tema Trabalho com uma entrevista realizada por mim com o arquiteto, artista, professor, urbanista, marxista e ativista político brasileiro Sérgio Ferro, publicada no encarte The Book of Books, Volume XI.
A conversa discute a ética do fazer e do saber-fazer da arquitetura através da relação com os trabalhadores, a prática do grupo Arquitetura Nova, a economia da produção, a influência das teorias do marxismo sobre a produção teórica de Sérgio Ferro, as dinâmicas de poder na prática arquitetônica e como o canteiro de obras pode ser reimaginado.
Ediane Lobão Ferro
Kaya Lazarini
Revisão da tradução para o inglês:
Silke Kapp (TF/TK)
Interview with Sérgio Ferro
The Architectural Review, Labour Issue
February, 2023
The edition of The Architecture Review: AR February 2023: Labour, brings an interview I made with the architect, artist, educator, urbanist, marxist and Brazilian political activist Sergio Ferro published in The Book of Books, Volume XI.
The conversation discusses the ethics of architecture making by talking about the relation with the workers, the practice of Arquitetura Nova group, the economics of the projecs, the influences of marxism on Sergio Ferro's theories, the power dynamics in the architeture practice and how the construction site can be reimagined.
Ediane Lobão Ferro
Kaya Lazarini
Revision of the English translation:
Silke Kapp (TF/TK)
AR February 2023: Labour
- The AR stands in solidarity with striking workers across the UK, downing their tools to build a better collective future. As this burgeoning labour movement fights back, we have been preparing our Labour issue – looking at the invisible work that maintains our cities, which only becomes visible once strike action reveals it is a necessity. Architects design workplaces: offices, factories, schools and shops, but construction sites too. Architects are workers, but they are not the workers who build our cities. In the February issue of the AR, we consider architectural work in its broadest sense: construction, maintenance, craft and design. -
citation: MENEGUETTI, Mariana. Interview with Sérgio Ferro. The Architectural Review, London. Labour Issue, number 1498. Pages 33-38. February, 2023
> To order this issue
Para mais entrevistas, em português:
Revista The Architectural Review, Edição "Trabalho"
Fevereiro, 2023
A edição da revista inglesa The Architectural Review de Fevereiro de 2023 traz o tema Trabalho com uma entrevista realizada por mim com o arquiteto, artista, professor, urbanista, marxista e ativista político brasileiro Sérgio Ferro, publicada no encarte The Book of Books, Volume XI.
A conversa discute a ética do fazer e do saber-fazer da arquitetura através da relação com os trabalhadores, a prática do grupo Arquitetura Nova, a economia da produção, a influência das teorias do marxismo sobre a produção teórica de Sérgio Ferro, as dinâmicas de poder na prática arquitetônica e como o canteiro de obras pode ser reimaginado.
Ediane Lobão Ferro
Kaya Lazarini
Revisão da tradução para o inglês:
Silke Kapp (TF/TK)
Interview with Sérgio Ferro
The Architectural Review, Labour Issue
February, 2023
The edition of The Architecture Review: AR February 2023: Labour, brings an interview I made with the architect, artist, educator, urbanist, marxist and Brazilian political activist Sergio Ferro published in The Book of Books, Volume XI.
The conversation discusses the ethics of architecture making by talking about the relation with the workers, the practice of Arquitetura Nova group, the economics of the projecs, the influences of marxism on Sergio Ferro's theories, the power dynamics in the architeture practice and how the construction site can be reimagined.
Ediane Lobão Ferro
Kaya Lazarini
Revision of the English translation:
Silke Kapp (TF/TK)
AR February 2023: Labour
- The AR stands in solidarity with striking workers across the UK, downing their tools to build a better collective future. As this burgeoning labour movement fights back, we have been preparing our Labour issue – looking at the invisible work that maintains our cities, which only becomes visible once strike action reveals it is a necessity. Architects design workplaces: offices, factories, schools and shops, but construction sites too. Architects are workers, but they are not the workers who build our cities. In the February issue of the AR, we consider architectural work in its broadest sense: construction, maintenance, craft and design. -
citation: MENEGUETTI, Mariana. Interview with Sérgio Ferro. The Architectural Review, London. Labour Issue, number 1498. Pages 33-38. February, 2023
> To order this issue
Para mais entrevistas, em português: