
Mariana Meneguetti é arquiteta interdisciplinar e pesquisadora radicada no Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, trabalhando com pesquisa, pensamento crítico e construção. Mestre em Arquitetura - Teoria e História do Projeto (2021) pela PUC-Rio, com Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (2013). Educação Continuada em Literatura, Arte e Pensamento Contemporâneo (2018) e no Curso Fundamentação de Artes na EAV Parque Lage (2011). É cofundadora do Entre, um coletivo de arquitetxs com quem investiga a arquitetura e as transformações urbanas por meio de relatos verbais. Foi coautora das publicações “8 Reações para o Depois”, (Rio Books, 2019) e “Entre: Entrevistas com Arquitetos”, (Vianna e Mosley, 2013). Participou da pesquisa para “Muros de Ar” - o Pavilhão do Brasil na 16ª Bienal de Arquitetura de Veneza; da X Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo e da XIII Bienal de Arquitetura de Buenos Aires. Mantém uma prática ambivalente de pesquisa e prática onde a arquitetura surge como um campo de experimentação para atuar no território como uma mediação entre os ambientes construídos e não construídos.


Mariana Meneguetti is an interdisciplinary architect from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, working from research, to critical thinking and construction. She holds a Master's degree in Architecture - Theory and History of the Project at PUC-Rio (2021) and a Bachelor degree in Architecture and Urbanism (2013) at PUC-Rio. Continuing Education in Literature, Art and Contemporary Thinking (2018) at PUC-Rio and in the Foundation Course in Arts at EAV Parque Lage (2011). She co-founded Entre, a collective of architects with whom she investigates architecture and its urban transformations through verbal reports. She co-authored the publication “8 Reactions for Afterwards”, Rio Books (2019) and “Entre: Interviews with Architects”, Vianna and Mosley (2013). She participated in the research for “Walls of Air” - the Brazilian Pavilllion at the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale, the X São Paulo Architecture Biennial, the XIII Buenos Aires Architecture Biennial.  Through multiple training, she maintains an ambivalent practice where architecture appears as a field of experimentation to act on the territory as a mediation between the built and unbuilt environments.

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︎ Entre

Curriculum Vitae
Mariana Meneguetti
1989, Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil

2019 - 2021

Masters in Architecture - Theory and History of the Project,
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Continuing Education in Literature, Arts and Contemporary Thinking [pending], Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

2007 - 2013
Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Foundation course, EAV School of Visual Arts Parque Lage State Artist Fellowship Grant

2003 - 2006
High School at Notre-Dame, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

1994 - 2002
Lower School and Middle School at Anglo Americano, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Published books
ALTBERG, A; KOZLOWSKI, G.; MENEGUETTI, M.; 8 Reações para o Depois - 8 Reactions for Afterwards. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Books, 2019

PERROTTA-BOSCH, F.; KOZLOWSKI, G.; MENEGUETTI, M.; AZEVEDO, W. ENTRE - Entrevistas com Arquitetos. Rio de Janeiro: Viana e Mosley, 2012

Articles in Magazines
ArchDaily Brasil
MENEGUETTI, Mariana. "Tempos se entrelaçam na exposição “Taib: uma história do teatro” realizada pelo coletivo Goma Oficina na Casa do Povo" 15 Ago 2023. ArchDaily Brasil. Acessado 15 Ago 2023. <https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/1005398/tempos-se-entrelacam-na-exposicao-taib-uma-historia-do-teatro-realizada-pelo-coletivo-goma-oficina> ISSN 0719-8906>

The Architectural Review
MENEGUETTI, Mariana. Interview with Sérgio Ferro. The Architectural Review, London. Labour Issue, number 1498. Pages 33-38. February, 2023

Revista Z Cultural
MENEGUETTI, Mariana. Máquina de amar em ruínas ou Para viver um grande amor. Revista Z Cultural, Rio de Janeiro. Set/ 2022.

The Architectural Review
BEAUMONT Eleanor, Round the tree houses.  The Architectural Review, London. Tree Issue, number 1485. Pages 110-114. October, 2021


CARTHA Magazine
MENEGUETTI, Mariana. Broken Love Machine or How to Live a Great Love. CARTHA Magazine, Invisible Structures Special Issue. Basel, n.4. March, 2020

PLOT Magazine n°54 - 2020, Argentina
Mulungu Housing Project, Rio de Janeiro

Archdaily - online magazine Project 'The Wild Thing'

Inhabitat - online magazine Project 'The Wild Thing'

Prumo Magazine nº 01 - Maio/ 2015, Rio de Janeiro Project ‘Rudiments or the Paralisis of Urban Movement’

Vitruvius - Online Magazine Critic text about the project ‘Rudiments or the Paralisis of Urban Movement’. By: João Masao Kamita

Archdaily - Online Magazine Project ‘Rudiments or the Paralisis of Urban Movement’

PLOT Magazine n°15 - Out/ Nov 2013, Argentina Cover Page - Project ‘Landscape Prosthesis: Soluble Borders’ for the The South America Project (SAP)/ Harvard Graduate School of Design

Fellowship and Grant
How to: do no harm
Canadian Centre for Architecture Residency, Montreal - Canada

Art Omi Architecture Residency 
Ghent, NY - United States of America

Sponsorship by CAU- RJ [Architecture and Urbanism Council in Rio de Janeiro] for the research project "8 Reactions for Afterwards"

"After the Future", with the Curator Daniela Labra. EAV School of Visual Arts Parque Lage State Artist Fellowship Grant. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

"Arcadia", RTU Summer School. Riga Technical University. Riga - Latvia

"Procedência e Propriedade", Dynamic Encounters/ Charles Watson. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Jury Jane Hall Workshop Final Review
"Who Cares?", on Care, Caretaker, Maintenance and Stewardship.
Taller de Especialidad - TES/ Master in Architecture Programme, School of Architecture Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago - Chile
Tutors: Jane Hall and Patricio Mardones H.

Participation in the presentation/ Jury of "Strange Details Studio"
Strange Details, 3rd Year B. Arch program,
Faculty of Architecture CEPT University, Delhi, India
Tutors: Mehul Bhatt, Smit Vyas

Goma Oficina Workshop
"Mapping Time: Strategies for now" (Oficina Mapear o Tempo: Estratégias para o agora)
Ser Urbano, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro - Brazil


"Mediating Territories" (Territorios de Mediação), in Architecture for Authonomy: Activating Educational Territories (Arquitetura para Autonomia: Ativando Territórios Educadores).  São Paulo - Brazil

Curatorial projects/ Researches
"8 Reactions for Afterwards", Public interviews and Publication. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Co-found the interviews project “Entre”
Total of 43 interviews since it's begging.

Public Events
"Open Interview: Architecture, Activism, Indigenous rights" Paulo Tavares + Ailton Krenak; Saracura Culture and art Space. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

"Open Interview: Urban policy, Outskirt communities & Resistance" Raquel Rolnik + Alan Brum Saracura Cultural Art Space. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

"Public Interviews: Una Arquitetos; Metro Arquitetos; Grupo SP; Nelson Brissac; Philip Yang"
São Paulo Cultural Center (CCSP). São Paulo - Brazil


"Un-ground Choreography" (Coreografia de Chão), Panela Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

"Walls of Air: Brazilian Pavillion" (Muros de ar: Pavilhão do Brasil)
16th Venice Architecture Biennale. Venice - Italy

"ENTRE - Interviews with Architects" (Entre - Entrevistas com Arquitetos), X São Paulo Architecture Biennial. São Paulo - Brazil

"Landscape Prosthesis" (Prótese da Paisagem) in the South America Project, XIV Buenos Aires Architecture Biennial. Buenos Aires - Argentina

Art/Architecture Seminars

"The Synthesis Art, Architecture and Landscape / III Reynaldo Roels Award" (A Síntese Arte, Arquitetura e Paisagem/ III Prêmio Reynaldo Roel) at the Contemporary Art Museum of Niterói, EAV School of Visual Arts Parque Lage. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

"The Synthesis Art, Architecture and Landscape / II Reynaldo Roels Award" (A Síntese Arte, Arquitetura e Paisagem/ III Prêmio Reynaldo Roel) at the Museum of Modern Art, EAV School of Visual Arts Parque Lage. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Conferences and Talks

“8 Reactions for Afterwards” (8 Reações para o Depois), Santa Úrsula University. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

"Right to the Body in the City: Nests for Others / Table – Quicksand Villages: Ruins of Neoliberalism" (Direito ao Corpo na Cidade: Ninhos para Outros/ Mesa – Aldeias Movediças: Ruínas do Neoliberalismo. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

“Entre – Architecture as Mediation” (Entre - Arquitetura como Mediação), Santa Úrsula University. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

“8 Reactions for Afterwards”, Quilombo da Gamboa Collaborative Housing and Organization, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

“8 Reactions for Afterwards”, Museum of Evictions (Museu das Remoções), Vila Autódromo, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Top 10 position
"Rio 2016 Olympic Park International Competition" Collaboration with Mecanoo Architecten. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

First Prize
"Rudiments or the Paralysis of the Urban Movement" (Rudimentos, ou a Paralisia do Movimento Urbano),  Architectural Project for the reutilization of the Perimetral Viaduct’s beams.
Reperimetral Ideas Competition. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Portuguese (native), English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), Italian (intermediate), French (basic)